NASCAR Heat 2 and 3 Sunset

After a difficult decision, our team is planning to shut down the NASCAR Heat 2 and NASCAR Heat 3 online servers for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox by April 30th, 2021. 
We intended to continue support for online multiplayer in NH2 and NH3. Unfortunately, the age of the servers has led to an ever-increasing need for resource heavy maintenance. With more of our players moving to newer games in the NASCAR Heat franchise and our team hard at work on future releases, it was no longer feasible to continue support. 
We apologize for any inconvenience and impact this may have on your planned online experiences. 
The good news, NASCAR Heat 2 and NASCAR Heat 3 will still be playable and all of the offline content will continue to be enjoyed. 
Thank you to the entire community for your support of NASCAR Heat 2 and NASCAR Heat 3.  We look forward to sharing the future of the franchise with you soon! 

  • Will NASCAR Heat 2 and NASCAR Heat 3 still be available for purchase? 
    Yes – We currently do not have any plans to remove these titles from their available locations. The only change we’re making is the closure of the online servers for NASCAR Heat 2 and NASCAR Heat 3. 
  • What is the reason behind shutting down the online services? 
    Given the age of the multiplayer servers and the hardware/software requirements to keep them up to date and performing consistently, we have decided our resources would be better put towards the latest NASCAR Heat titles and our upcoming releases. This has been a difficult decision for us but we believe the focus of resources will be beneficial going forward. 
  • When will online services be discontinued? 
    We expect to shut down the NASCAR Heat 2 and NASCAR Heat 3 online servers for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox by April 30th, 2021.  Xbox users are currently experiencing the hardware/software issues mentioned above and our team is in the process of shutting down the remaining servers. 
  • Can I still play my NASCAR Heat 2 & NASCAR Heat 3 games after these services have been discontinued? 
    Yes – Anyone who owns these titles will still be able to access and play all of content that doesn’t require the online services. The online functionality will be unavailable after the services have been discontinued.